Building Applications

Workflow Automation

Learn how to automate business processes using Wayvo’s workflow automation tools.

Workflow Automation

Wayvo’s workflow automation tools enable you to streamline and automate complex business processes. By defining workflows with triggers, actions, and conditions, you can increase efficiency and reduce manual effort.

Creating a Workflow

  1. Access the Workflow Designer

    • Navigate to the "Workflows" section from the main menu.
  2. Start a New Workflow

    • Click on "Create New Workflow" to start building your workflow from scratch.

Adding Workflow Elements

  1. Drag and Drop Elements

    • The workflow designer provides a variety of elements such as triggers, actions, and conditions.
    • Drag the desired elements from the library onto the workflow canvas.
  2. Connect Elements

    • Use connectors to define the sequence and flow of the workflow.
    • Connect triggers to actions and conditions to create a logical flow.

Configuring Workflow Triggers

  1. Select a Trigger

    • Triggers are events that start the workflow. These can include user actions, time-based events, or data changes.
    • Drag a trigger element onto the canvas.
  2. Set Trigger Properties

    • Click on the trigger to open the properties panel.
    • Configure the trigger properties such as event type, conditions, and frequency.

Defining Workflow Actions

  1. Add Action Elements

    • Actions are tasks that the workflow performs, such as sending emails, updating records, or calling APIs.
    • Drag action elements onto the canvas.
  2. Configure Action Properties

    • Click on an action to open the properties panel.
    • Set the properties for each action, including any necessary parameters and data mappings.

Using Conditions in Workflows

  1. Add Condition Elements

    • Conditions allow you to add logic to your workflows, enabling different actions based on specific criteria.
    • Drag condition elements onto the canvas.
  2. Set Condition Rules

    • Click on a condition to open the properties panel.
    • Define the rules for the condition, specifying what criteria must be met for the workflow to proceed.

Testing and Debugging Workflows

  1. Test the Workflow

    • Use the test function to simulate the workflow and ensure it behaves as expected.
    • Verify that all triggers, actions, and conditions are functioning correctly.
  2. Debugging Tools

    • Utilize the debugging tools to monitor the workflow execution.
    • Inspect logs and workflow states to identify and resolve issues.

Deploying Workflows

  1. Save and Deploy

    • Once the workflow is tested and ready, save your changes.
    • Deploy the workflow to make it active and operational within your application.
  2. Monitor Workflow Performance

    • Continuously monitor the performance of your workflows.
    • Adjust and optimize workflows as needed to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Best Practices for Workflow Automation

  1. Start Simple

    • Begin with simple workflows and gradually add complexity as needed.
    • Ensure each workflow is fully tested before adding more elements.
  2. Document Workflows

    • Maintain documentation for each workflow to provide clarity and facilitate troubleshooting.
    • Include details on triggers, actions, conditions, and any special configurations.
  3. Monitor and Optimize

    • Regularly review the performance of your workflows.
    • Optimize workflows based on performance metrics and user feedback.


Use workflow automation to reduce manual tasks, increase consistency, and improve overall efficiency in your business processes.

Next Steps

With your workflows created, you can further enhance your applications by integrating them with other Wayvo features. Explore our guides on Data Management and Advanced Features to continue building powerful and efficient applications.

For more advanced customization options, check out our API and Integrations section.

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