API Reference

FLOW API Reference

Detailed reference for the FLOW interface in Wayvo.

The FLOW interface in Wayvo provides a comprehensive set of methods for managing flow instances and their state. This reference outlines each method available in the FLOW interface, including its purpose, parameters, and return types.



getFlowInput: <T>(key?: string) => T | undefined

Gets the input of the current flow instance.

  • key: The key of the input. If not provided, returns the entire input object.
  • Returns: The input of the FLOW instance, or undefined if the input does not exist.


getFlowInstanceState: <T>(key: string) => Promise<T | undefined>

Gets the value of a state variable from the current flow instance.

  • key: The key of the state variable.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the value of the state variable, or undefined if the state variable does not exist.


getFlowState: <T>(key: string) => Promise<T | undefined>

Gets the value of a state variable from the current flow.

  • key: The key of the state variable.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the value of the state variable, or undefined if the state variable does not exist.


getNodeOutput: <T>(id: string, key?: string) => T | undefined

Gets the output of a node from the current flow instance.

  • nodeId: The ID of the node.
  • key: The key of the output. If not provided, returns the entire output object.
  • Returns: The output of the node, or undefined if the output does not exist.


getResource: <T>(resourceId: string) => Promise<T | undefined>

Gets a resource.

  • resourceId: The ID of the resource.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the resource, or undefined if the resource does not exist or the current user doesn't have access.


getVariable: (name: string) => Promise<string | undefined>

Gets the value of a variable.

  • name: The name of the variable.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the value of the variable, or undefined if the variable does not exist.


incrementAndGetFlowInstanceState: (key: string, increment: number) => Promise<number>

Increments the value of a state variable in the current flow instance and returns the new value.

  • key: The key of the state variable.
  • increment: The amount to increment the state variable by.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the new value of the state variable.


incrementAndGetFlowState: (key: string, increment: number) => Promise<number>

Increments the value of a state variable in the current flow and returns the new value.

  • key: The key of the state variable.
  • increment: The amount to increment the state variable by.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves to the new value of the state variable.


setFlowInstanceState: <T>(key: string, value: T) => Promise<void>

Sets the value of a state variable in the current flow instance.

  • key: The key of the state variable.
  • value: The value to set the state variable to.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves when the state variable has been set.


setFlowState: <T>(key: string, value: T) => Promise<void>

Sets the value of a state variable in the current flow.

  • key: The key of the state variable.
  • value: The value to set the state variable to.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves when the state variable has been set.


setVariable: (name: string, value: string) => Promise<void>

Sets the value of a variable.

  • name: The name of the variable.
  • value: The value to set the variable to.
  • Returns: A Promise that resolves when the variable has been set.


getFlowRunId: () => string

Gets the ID of the current flow instance.

  • Returns: The ID of the current flow instance.


cancelFlow: () => Promise<void>

Cancels the current flow instance.

  • Returns: A Promise that resolves when the flow instance has been canceled.